Returns and Exchanges

If for some reason you are not satisfied with your order, we would be more than happy to help you resolve any issues.

Please Note
Returns are valid within 30 days of purchase. Return shipping charges are to be paid for by the customer. Any discounts received on your original purchase will be recalculated when the return is processed. Refunds exclude any shipping charges incurred.

Return Process
To return an item, please email Customer Service:
Please be sure to include the following information:
- Customer name and date of purchase
- Reason for return
- Order Number

Upon receipt of your request, we will send you an authorisation number and instructions on where/how to return the item(s).

Lost or Stolen Packages
Spark Remedy is not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry, Spark Remedy will confirm the delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate.